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Thursday, April 28, 2011

HangZhou Steam Bun Shop 杭州小笼包

The second day in Beijing, we went back to the HangZhou Steam Bun Shop (杭州小笼包) to try out the other food they have for breakfast. Then we spent our morning on the TianAnMen Square, and then.... but now, I would like to write more about this HangZhou food.

Tiny little shop

This HangZhou snack shop (杭州小吃) has appeared but not really introduced in the previous blog. It is a tiny little shop in Baishu Hotong (柏树胡同), with a small door which one person can hardly pass. It has about 2 tables in the shop: a 2 persons table and a wall linked table; can serve 5 to 6 people in the same time; and a place for two people to sit down to prepare the dumpling. However it is small, but it has everything you like if you like steam bun and dumpling.

Steam Meat Bun

The shop is just one street behind the hotel we stay. Throughout the 9 days in Beijing, we basically had our breakfast there most of the time. We have tried their steam meat bun (小笼包), steam vegi bun, steam dumpling (蒸饺子), soup dumpling (汤饺子), soybean milk (豆浆) and wantan in soup (云吞). It is a highly recommended shop to be tried out in Beijing. 

 Steam Dumpling

Soup Dumpling

The dumpling come 10 in a tray or in soup. They are the same dumpling, but they taste different when they are cooked in steam or in soup. 

 Steam Vegi Bun

The buns really are my favorite. They also come 10 in a steam tray. When I see this tray of bun, it reminds me of the movie, KungFu Panda. It is the panda's favorite too. In one of the scene, his master is using the bun to tempt him in order teaching him the KungFu. Now, when I remember this scene in the movie, it reminds me of the HangZhou steam bun.

Wantan Soup
Hot Soybean Milk

I ordered this the first day when I was in Beijing, it come with no sugar normally. Of cause, I request to add in so sugar, however, I still cannot taste any sweetness. Well, this might be a good chance to remind us to reduce the sweetness of food or drink we normally took. It taste bad, but at least it is good for health. 

They are opened for breakfast, lunch (not sure), and dinner. Besides the above dishes, they also serve porridge and noodles. We had our dinner there once (too tired at night, have the food without taking the photo). They sell quite some number of local noodle such as ZhaJiang Noodle (炸酱面) .  In overall, it is really good place to try and may be for me as a first-time traveler, it tastes really good and unforgettable.

Location: Baishu Hotong (柏树胡同), nearby DengShiKou Subway Station (灯市口站).

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

LongFu Temple Street 隆福寺街

Me and my mum left the Beihai Park about 6.50pm. The sky is getting dark and I was wondering how to get back to where I from this afternoon. The trip was actually gone out of my itinerary plan and I have no idea which bus is going to bring me back to my hotel.

There is a bus station right in front of the Beihai Park, so I just crossed the road using a under pass way, and find a bus which passes by the WangFuJing Street (王府井大街). In city center of Beijing, a lot of buses are electric powered (not sure if they are still using petrol on it). It is just like a tram in a bus body, driving on normal road and holding wire on top.

Longfu Temple Street's light board

My destination then was going to the Longfu Temple Street (隆福寺街) for night market and the food. I stopped at the MeiShuGuan bus stop (美术馆站) and walk opposite to the Longfu Temple Street. It took us about 30min from Beihai Park to the LongFu Temple Street.

From my research, not a really good and clear research, there should be a night market and street food at Longfu TS, but what I saw was totally different from my expectation. There are not really many shops for night shopping and in fact most of the shops are closed when I reached. However, quite a number of food stalls are still operating.

SanXi Sliced Noodle Stall

We had our dinner in one of the noodle stall in a street which I cannot recall. I only have a photo of the shop. They serve very good Sliced Noodle (刀削面), the dumpling (水绞) and many other snack foods.

Sliced Noodle RMD8.00

The food portion in Beijing is big. So we shared a bowl of Sliced Noodle, a Egg Tofu soup and 20 dumplings. 

Mix Vegi-Meat Dumpling, 20 pieces RMD10.00

Egg Tofu Soup, RMD4.00

After dinner, we spend sometime in the book shop; then we bought some fruit; then we went back to the hotel.

Until here, I have finished the first day of my trip in Beijing. There are more coming up, thank you for catching up.

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