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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tian An Men Square 天安门广场

Second day in Beijing, we spent half day visiting the Tian’anmen (天安门) and walking around the Tian’anmen Square (天安门广场).

Tian An Men

After breakfast in the HangZhou Steam Bun Shop, on the way to the subway station, there is a food stall selling hot egg crepe. I cannot remember what is it called or in fact I ordered it by telling the cook to give me one of this without knowing the name. I can hardly remember what was wrapped inside, there are egg and spring onion for sure, and some kind of braised meat with bean curd skin. You can also order to add in the meat sausage in the crepe. It is really nice and hot, and a common Beijing street food.

The Crepe Stall

Hot and Nice Egg Crepe (煎饼), RMB3

We took subway train from DengShiKou Station (灯市口站) to Tian’anmen Square. It is nearer to National Museum of China (中国国家博物馆) if you exit at Tian’anmen East Station (天安门东站), whereas you are nearer to the Great Hall of the People (人民大会堂) if you exit at Tian’anmen West Station (天安门西站).

National Museum of China

The Great Hall of the People

As we can see from the map, the Tian’anmen Square is at the centre. North of the square is the Tian’anmen. The National Museum and the Great Hall are sitting on east and west respectively. They are facing each other with the Monument to the People’s Heroes (人民英雄纪念碑) at the center. The south of the Tian’anmen Square is the Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall (毛主席纪念堂). You will basically need approximately a day or more to finish visiting everywhere around the Tian’anmen Square.

The Monument to the People Heroes

Light and Speaker Post on the square

I can still remember the crowd and the heat of the summer at the square. Security guards and scanning machines are set at every exit of the subway station, entrances to the square, and all the underpass way entering the main attraction. Patrol polices and patrol posts are everywhere. From these, it can be seen that the government really pay a lot of attentions to protect their heritage.

Patrol police scouting along the Guangchang Side Road

We walked from the East Station towards the National Museum, found our way to cross the road to the Tian’anmen Square. From the square, we used the underpass to cross the Chang’an Ave (长安街) to go to the gate, the Tian’anmen.

Huabiao (华表) at front and back of the Tian’anmen

View of whole Tian’anmen Square from the gatehouse

Window frame of the Tian’anmen gatehouse

Ceiling of the corridor on the gatehouse

Tian’anmen is actually the main gate for the Ming’s and Qing’s Palace City. Tourists are allowed to go up and visit the gatehouse. There is some exhibition about the history of the Tian’anmen, a model of the old Palace City Wall and Gate are placed in the exhibition too. Almost 80% of the walls are removed. There are also stalls in the gatehouse selling souvenir. On top of the Tian’anmen, the view of the whole square can be clearly viewed. From the picture above, it can be seen that air of Beijing is quite polluted.

Tourists with luggage and bags are not allowed to enter the gatehouse. There is a locker rental service nearby the inner side of the Tian’anmen. Camera are allowed on the building, however, photographing in the hall is prohibited.

The Chairman Mao Zhdong Memorial Hall
(Full of visitors queuing to enter)

Sculpture at two side of the Memorial Hall

Sculpture at two side of the Memorial Hall

After visiting the Tian’anmen, we walk around the square and planned to go to the Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall. However, the plan is cancelled due to the long queue. It is free to enter the memorial hall but you got to be there early as first, it is closed early around 12pm and second, there will be long queue.

The National Museum and the Great Hall of the People are also main attraction around Tian’anmen Square. The National Museum of China was closed for maintenance during the time I was in Beijing. Presume that they should have more things for exhibition now. We never go in to the Great Hall of the People, believe that it is one of the valuable places to be visited in Beijing.

Northern view of Zhengyangmen Gatehouse

Description of Zhengyangmen

Zheng Yang Men

We walked down along the Guangchang East Side Road (广场东侧路) to go southern side of the memorial hall. Behind the memorial hall, it is the ZhengYang Gate (正阳门). Zhengyang Gate is commonly called the QianMen (前门). It consists of two buildings, which are the Gatehouse (城楼) and the Archery Tower (箭楼). If not mistaken, Zhengyangmen Gatehouse is also opened for visitor.

Northern view of Zhengyangmen Archery Tower

Zero Point of Highway, China

White stone lion in front of the gatehouse

Zero Point of Highway, China (中国公路零公里点) is placed in front of the Zhengyangmen gatehouse in between the two stone lions. It represents the beginning of the China’s highway. The information about this Zero Point is limited; I believe that it means the “Kilometer Zero” point of a highway or railway.

Description of the Zero Point

Southern view of Archery Tower

The Zhengyangmen gatehouse and the Archery Tower are at the North-South axis of Beijing. However, we cannot walk across the road directly alone the axis. The gatehouse and the Archery tower are separated by Qianmen Street (前门大街). Visitors have to walk alone the Qianmen Street and look for underpass to cross the road to go to the Archery Tower from the gatehouse. If the emperor can travel through time and come back to Beijing, I am sure he will be lost; he cannot go directly from the Qianmen all the way straight back to the Palace.

Southern view of Gatehouse from Archery Tower

Not a stoll but the door bolt of the Zhengyangmen

In front of the Zhengyangmen Archery Tower, it is consider as a main bus station in Qianmen area, most of the buses go around Beijing city will pass by this station. One of the famous streets in Beijing, the Qianmen Street (前门大街) also located at the Southern side of the archery tower. It is a commercial street and most of the famous restaurants in Beijing can be found here. Follow my next blog for more on Qianmen Street.

Travel Tips:

The Tian'anmen Gatehouse entrance ticket price: RMB15
The Memorial Hall entrance is Free
Other attractions price info please see  百度百科  as references.

Luggage and Bags are not allowed.
Locker Service Price: RMB3 for small bag.

Reach by subway:
Subway Line No.1 (一号线), exit at Tian’anmen East Station (天安门东站) or Tian’anmen West Station (天安门西站)

Around Tian'anmen Square:
North: Zhongshan Park (中山公园), Taimiao Temple (太庙),
             Gate of Heavenly Peace - Tian'anmen (天安门).
South: Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall (毛主席纪念堂),
             Zhengyangmen Gatehouse and Archery Tower (正阳门城楼与箭楼), 
             Qianmen Street (前门大街), China Railway Museum (中国铁道博物馆).
East:    National Museum of China (中国国家博物馆).
West:   Great Hall of the People (人民大会堂), 
             National Center of the Performing Arts (国家大剧院).

Reference Map:

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