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Monday, August 29, 2011

ShiChaHai - XiHai, HouHai, QianHai (什刹海 - 西海, 后海, 前海)

It has been sometime since my last blog. Kind a forget how to write, how to blog. Luckily my busyness never let me forget to visit my blog daily. It has been a year since my last days in Beijing. However, my memories towards Beijing city are still as fresh as it was just yesterday. Today, I am going to introduce more about Beijing’s Lakes – XiHai (西海), HouHai (后海) and QianHai (前海).


Lake Scene

After my mother fully satisfied with her admiration on the Xu BeiHong’s paintings and works, we moved our step from XinJieKou North Street into an unknown alley. After not long of walking, a very nice view of lake appears in front of us. My mother got surprised that such an unknown backdoor alley is actually linked to such a nice lake.

The Small Alley

Lake Scene

Lake Scene

This historic scenic area is called the ShiChaHai (什刹海). It was called the Riverbank (河沿) during the emperor ruling period and is located to the north-west of the Forbidden City. It consists of three lakes, the Xihai, the Houhai and the Qianhai.

Lake Scene

Tree combined with the rail

Lake Scene

Shichahai is a famous scenic area in the Beijing. These beautiful lakes are surrounded by big trees and some trees are really old that they are already combined with the rail at side of the lake. It is a leisure place to walk, jog, cycling, watching ducks swimming, tours with tricycle and there are also activities like boat peddling and electric-boat boating during summer. According to online information, you can even ice-skating on top of the lake surface in winter time.

Lake Scene


The tricycle

The Shichahai area used to be one of the important commercial districts. There are ten temples around the lake; this is how Shichahai got its name. Around the lake, there are also formal royal mansions and garden, and formal residences of some famous personages. The most well-known spot are the Price Gong Mansion (恭亲王府), Prince Chun Mansion (醇亲王府), formal residence of Soong ChingLing (宋庆龄故居), and the formal residence of Guo MoRuo (郭沫若故居).

Duck swimming and playing


Lake Scene

Xihai is the lake first appears in front of us. There are duck swimming and playing on the water. There are people who doing the “blowing sugar” art called the ChuiTangRen (吹糖人). There are places to practice Taichi (太极拳) around the lake.

Lake Scene

ChuiTangRen Artist

My Little Sugar Cow

We walked along the side of the lake from Xihai all the way down to Qianhai. On the way, I bought the sugar cow made by the “Chui-tang-ren” men. However, this little sugar cow cannot even stay with until back to the hotel; it melted due to the hot weather. We passed by the famous bridge, YinDingQiao (银锭桥) on the way to dinner place.


YinDingGuanShan (银锭观山)

Bars Street


Around the lakes, besides the historic mansion and temples, there are also a lot of bars and famous old-timer restaurants along the HouHaiBeiYan, HouHaiNanYan, YanDaiXie Street (烟袋斜街), QianHaiDongYan, QianHaiBeiYan, and basically all the street along these lakes. We had our dinner in one of the famous restaurant – KaoRouJi (烤肉季).

Barbeque Lamb

Roasted duck meat slices

Roasted duck set

In Kaorouji, we ordered their famous dish, the barbeque lamb, and a roasted duck. This is still so far the nicest Peking Duck that I have had. Well, it is of cause not comparable to the one I had in KL or Australia Chinatown.

Sources, onion and cucumber

Roasted-duck-bone soup

The big rock - Shichahai

It is almost dark after the dinner. We continued our journey along the Qianhaibeiyan and the QianHaiXiYan towards the Tian’anmen West Street. There is a big rock there with Shichahai crafted on it. Here, there are a lot of tourists around taking photo and the night view of Qianhaixiyan is very beautiful.

The big rock - Shichahai

The Plague – LiangHuaShiChang (莲花市场)

The Price Gong Mansion

Before going back to our hotel, we took a walk to the Price Gong Mansion. Due to tight schedule, we never enter to the mansion, but just take a photo of the front door as remembrance. On the way, we passed by the formal residence of Guo MoRuo. We were so tired that day, really lot of walking. The scenes are so beautiful that we were not even feeling tired while walking.

The formal residence of Guo MoRuo

Reference Map:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Xu Bei Hong Memorial Hall 徐悲鸿纪念馆

There are a quite a number of former residences of famous personages (名人故居) in Beijing. During the trip to Beijing, we visited a few of the former residences and some of those are already changed into memorial hall. On the fourth morning in Beijing, we took a visit to the XuBeiHong Memorial Hall (徐悲鸿纪念馆).

Xu Bei Hong Memorial Hall

Xu Beihong Memorial Hall is located at the XinJieKou North Street (新街口北大街) in XiCheng District (西城区) of Beijing. The memorial hall was first built in the Former Residence of Xu Beihong. Due to the development of the subway system, his former residence is demolished and the memorial hall is reconstructed at the current location.

Xu BeiHong’s Statue

They have Audio Guide device provided there. It acts as a tour guide in the memorial hall. It will play the corresponding audio when you are at different exhibition room. Visitor can choose from the available language shown on the information board. The charges for the device are quite affordable.

Memorial Hall Information Board

There are 7 exhibition rooms in the Xu Beihong memorial hall. In these exhibition rooms, they display the color ink paintings, oil paintings and sketches from each period of Xu’s studies till his career. In one of the exhibition room, it displays the photos and documentary of Xu Beihong’s life.

Memorial Hall Front Door

In the memorial hall, it also exhibited the Xu’s collections. The painting includes works from Tang’s dynasty till Qing’s dynasty. In these exhibitions, the most precious collection will be the Tang’s painting, the Eighty-seven Immortals (《八十七神仙图》), by Wu DaoZi (吴道子). There is a story behind about how he purchased this painting. You really have to visit the Xu Beihong Memorial Hall to see this real priceless painting.

Memorial Hall Sign Board
Ink Painting of Horses

Xu Beihong was one of the China’s most renowned modern art artists and educators. He was a master of both oils and Chinese ink paintings. He was expert in drawing galloping horses; his Chinese ink painting “Galloping Horse” (《奔马》) is very famous. His arts and paintings are rare masterpieces in China’s modern art history.

Steam Bun

The Making of Bun

Lamb Skewer

There are some restaurants along the XinJieKou North Street. We took bus from DengShiKou Steet to XinJieKouBei Bus Stop (新街口北站). We had lunch in one of the shop, they sell steam bun and roasted lamb skewer.

Travel Tips:

Xu Beihong Memorial Hall entrance fee: RMB 5

Address: No. 53 Xijiekou North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing China.

Opening time: 9.00 – 16.00 (closed on Monday)

Nearby Xu Beihong Memorial Hall
Xihai (西海 “West Lake”), Houhai (后海),
Guo Shoujing Memorial Hall (郭守敬纪念馆),
Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling (宋庆龄故居)

Reference Map: