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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Xu Bei Hong Memorial Hall 徐悲鸿纪念馆

There are a quite a number of former residences of famous personages (名人故居) in Beijing. During the trip to Beijing, we visited a few of the former residences and some of those are already changed into memorial hall. On the fourth morning in Beijing, we took a visit to the XuBeiHong Memorial Hall (徐悲鸿纪念馆).

Xu Bei Hong Memorial Hall

Xu Beihong Memorial Hall is located at the XinJieKou North Street (新街口北大街) in XiCheng District (西城区) of Beijing. The memorial hall was first built in the Former Residence of Xu Beihong. Due to the development of the subway system, his former residence is demolished and the memorial hall is reconstructed at the current location.

Xu BeiHong’s Statue

They have Audio Guide device provided there. It acts as a tour guide in the memorial hall. It will play the corresponding audio when you are at different exhibition room. Visitor can choose from the available language shown on the information board. The charges for the device are quite affordable.

Memorial Hall Information Board

There are 7 exhibition rooms in the Xu Beihong memorial hall. In these exhibition rooms, they display the color ink paintings, oil paintings and sketches from each period of Xu’s studies till his career. In one of the exhibition room, it displays the photos and documentary of Xu Beihong’s life.

Memorial Hall Front Door

In the memorial hall, it also exhibited the Xu’s collections. The painting includes works from Tang’s dynasty till Qing’s dynasty. In these exhibitions, the most precious collection will be the Tang’s painting, the Eighty-seven Immortals (《八十七神仙图》), by Wu DaoZi (吴道子). There is a story behind about how he purchased this painting. You really have to visit the Xu Beihong Memorial Hall to see this real priceless painting.

Memorial Hall Sign Board
Ink Painting of Horses

Xu Beihong was one of the China’s most renowned modern art artists and educators. He was a master of both oils and Chinese ink paintings. He was expert in drawing galloping horses; his Chinese ink painting “Galloping Horse” (《奔马》) is very famous. His arts and paintings are rare masterpieces in China’s modern art history.

Steam Bun

The Making of Bun

Lamb Skewer

There are some restaurants along the XinJieKou North Street. We took bus from DengShiKou Steet to XinJieKouBei Bus Stop (新街口北站). We had lunch in one of the shop, they sell steam bun and roasted lamb skewer.

Travel Tips:

Xu Beihong Memorial Hall entrance fee: RMB 5

Address: No. 53 Xijiekou North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing China.

Opening time: 9.00 – 16.00 (closed on Monday)

Nearby Xu Beihong Memorial Hall
Xihai (西海 “West Lake”), Houhai (后海),
Guo Shoujing Memorial Hall (郭守敬纪念馆),
Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling (宋庆龄故居)

Reference Map:

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